Hand Painted Wooden Blocks for Kids
/Looking for a simple eco-friendly toy for kids? Check out these hand painted wooden blocks!
Read MoreLooking for a simple eco-friendly toy for kids? Check out these hand painted wooden blocks!
Read MoreDoing laundry? Don't do it alone, this is a great opportunity to get your child involved with learning how to accomplish a task for themselves. Here are somethings they can be apart of while doing laundry and the benefits:
You can show him/her how to...
1. Help sort the dirty clothes and put into the machines.
2. Pour ingreidents.
3. Push buttons for settings.
4. Fold clothes
5. Put away their own clothes.
Gain a sense of order by observing the steps.
Hand and eye coordination while pouring, scooping laundry ingredients and folding clothes.
Learn appropriate responsibility by putting clothes away on their own.
A fun way to gift from the heart! He put in lots of love and effort into his Mimi's birthday gifts. We made coconut cupcakes and he painted the tissue paper wrapping. The cupcakes came out so yummy! :)
So I bought these yoga cards online from barefootbooks.com and we had a blast with them. It was great to bond, stretch and be silly. We ended our blissful session with a game of gorilla vs ninjas. Hiya!!!!
Z has been collecting rocks sense he was 2 and not until now he began to show a deeper interest in the rocks he has gathered through time. Lately he's been asking simple questions about the rocks, "Why are they different colors? Where do they come from? Why are they hard?". Heres a little activity we did one afternoon with his encyclopedia of rocks and minerals.
- We looked up about 5 rocks from his collection.
- Matched the pictures to the rocks as we named each rock.
- Read only about two facts from each rock.
- Played a fun recap "memory game" about the rocks we researched.
This activity ended up being a fun way to extend his on his rock collection!